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Contact Us

On this page you will find the contact details for Nova Constantia Neighbourhood Watch and a map of our area as well as municipal and other useful contact numbers.  If you have any numbers or information you think would be useful to display on this page, please feel free to drop us a line here. -  email for all admin queries

Nova Constantia Crime Watch Contact Details
Email Address:
CVIC (control room) to report suspicious behaviour, criminal and other incidents 086 000 2669
Zone Map

NCCW Committee
Chairman Trevor Vroom
Treasurer Peter Stenslunde
CCTV Camera team & Data Base Susan Caine
Patroller Training and Special Operations Tony Smiley
Web site administration Dewan Bronkhorst
Emergency Contact Numbers
SAPS Zones 1 & 3 fall under Kirstenhof - Zone 2 falls under Diep River
SAPS Flying Squad (in emergencies, you are encouraged to call this number first) 10111
SAPS Kirstenhof (Zones 1 & 3)
Kirstenhof SAPS Charge Office 021 702 9123 or 021 702 9126
Kirstenhof SAPS Main Switchboard 021 701 1536 and/or 702 9123
Kirstenhof SAPS Email
Kirstenhof SAPS Sector Policing Vehicles
Sector Commander SAPS Kirstenhof / Sector Commander SAPS Diepriver Sgt Kyle Johannes 072 228 6672 / Cst Ray 079 894 1553
Zones 1 & 3 SAPS Kirstenhof Sector Van 079 894 1438
Diep River SAPS (NCCW Zone 2)
Diep River SAPS Charge Office 021 710 7300
Medical Centres And Hospitals
Tokai Medicross 021-715-7063
Constantiaberg Medi-Clinic 021-799-2911
Fire 1 0 7
Constantia Fire Station 021-794-1128
Security Service Providers
Fidelity ADT - Emergency Armed Response 086 12 12 301
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Nova Constantia Crime Watch - Neighbourliness, Awareness, Communication
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Number of visits since 1st June 2007 - 627474